Can I send fan mail to Danielle?
Yes you can! Her new address as of April 2020 is:
Danielle Bradbery
625 Bakers Bridge Ave.
Suite 105 - Box 200
Franklin, TN 37027

How expensive is it really to run this site?
It's pretty inexpensive to run this website, $14/month for the website, email, forum, blog, music hosting, etc. and $25/year for private website registration. The concert side is generally the more expensive part about running BradberyNews.
When do you send out emails?
I send them as I have content and as I have time. Sometimes it will be a weekly basis, and other times you'll only get 1 per month!

Do you run this all by yourself?
I try my very hardest to run this & all other accounts all by myself. And a lot of the time I succeed. But I do get help from Bradbaes and without them I have no idea where I'd be.
Where can i find you online?
I am always on my Twitter and Tiktok, @BradberyNews. I also have Instagram and Facebook pages that I use. At the bottom of the page you'll find little icons with links to each or you can search for BradberyNews! If you still need to get ahold of me, try my email! bradberynews@gmail.com

Does Danielle really know all of us?
Yes. She's the new Taylor Swift in regards to creeping. I know for a fact that she knows or knows of everyone who's part of her online community. I know sometimes it may seem like she doesn't or that she's never online, but I honestly think she enjoys creeping on all of us.